Thursday, February 09, 2006

On behalf of the ethnic minority

This article caught my eye:

Putting aside the whimsical irony of a people violently protesting at being depicted as violent, the author (a Muslim) puts across a remarkably valid point on why the two sides dislike each other so.

"The tension is easy to explain. Europe has failed to integrate its ethnic minorities in a meaningful manner"

(The phrase "there's a boat leaving in the morning" springs to mind)

WHY do these Muslims who love their own cultures and hate ours with equal intensity insist on leaving their homelands in their MILLIONS to come and live in ours?

The subtle Asian conquest of the world will be complete within our own lifetimes. And they'll still be complaining.

p.s. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not very PC. That's a luxury only the majority can afford.

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