Thursday, January 17, 2013

Far Cry 3 Review

If Far Cry 2 had a very simple child that was initially fun to play with but very soon the limited simplicity became very, very boring then that would be Far Cry 3.  In short they have taken everything away that made Far Cry, then Far Cry 2 challenging (and fun for more than a few hours) and left you with a-n-other CoD mongathon.  I loved it for a couple of hours but now having forced myself through the whole game (the child analogy stops here) it's heading straight for the swapsie pile at Game.

I could say the same about Mass Effect 3 but I'll save that for a different but equally fucking hilarious post.


Ben Royle said...

I bought it just so I could punch a shark to death. Might uninstall it once I've done that, tbh.

****** said...

Punch or gay wrist slap whilst talking to yourself about how horrible it is (slapping a shark) when 2 minutes earlier you were shooting people in the head with explosive arrows?

LC said...

I started making a video montage of myself hunting wild animals with petrol bombs and handgrenades, but gave up after I realised nobody cares.

No one Really said...

Well I've been playing Lego Lord of the Rings as that is what 46 year old men do when they buy it for their 9 year old son, who would rather play Halo Multiplayer... I've just finished it and going back to Skyrim and the Dragonborn DLC.