Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Good Soldier.

Why all this uproar and commotion over ID cards. I personally think it’s a good idea, maybe it’s because I am a good soldier and do as I’m told. Maybe it’s because I am a mostly law abiding citizen, that doesn’t intend to be a burglar, rapist or murderer and therefore don’t mind the Government having my DNA on record.

I really can’t see all the fuss, what are people afraid of? It’s not big brother, it’s just makes sense, if it cut’s down NHS fraud, which is something like £32 billion a year, surely that money saved can be spent on health and education…

Come on people, if you’ve got nothing to hide then step up and get your finger prints taken.

If you don’t like it, there’s a plane every morning to Russia, Iraq or Afghanistan… You commie bastards…


Donna said...

I agree that we should all have ID cards if it will cut down on benefit fraud etc. and I'm happy for my details to be on any database (mmmmm databases). I'm even not bothered about big brother tracking my movements or Tesco from knowing my purchasing patterns. BUT I do object to having to pay for an ID card. Surely I'm entitled to one free of charge ...

car01 said...

Yeah, as long as it's free, then I'm all for it. Or at least as long as you don't have to pay for it and a passport, then that's fine. I still have my "Daughter of..." ID card from back in the day :)