The fortieth Birthday Bash/Hootnany/Shindig was a successful little gig. Friends and family turning up for a splash the cash drinky binge.
And now I can concentrate on Christmas proper - and the constant purchasing of Crimbo pressies. Yay. but then comes the horror of Christmas pressie wrapping. Boo. Cos as has been proven by scientists, men just cannot wrap presents.
So why aren't there 'wrap bags' where I could put the pressie inside and it'll wrap up perfectly (or better than I could do) - perhaps with a vacuum thing to ensure a snug fit! oh no, they have to concentrate on curing diseases and proving quantum mechanics and other such rot.
So my night tonight will be dedicated to sellotape strips and wrapping up pressies to scrunchy, lop-sided effect. I'd best get the mulled wine out then.
2 comments: seems to fit the bill, no?
I REALLY want to visit coolwraps. I can't help myself. I just get this sneeky feeling that it might fit the bill.
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