Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Christmas - Part 3

Well. After looking forward to a crimbo on my lonesome, I had hooked up with the bodacious B (an ex from last year – whom I have never let go – as we seemed so right together it was a crime against humanity (and my ego) that we split!). So – after sneaking around hers for a few weeks, got caught by her nippers trying to sneak out the back door. Long story short – I then bolted around the shops picking up pressies for her lil’ ones and had the ‘official invite’ for christmas morning.

I had spun a story about me eating christmas dinner on my own. A pot noodle, on a tray on my lap, sprig of holly on top with a can of skol. Woe is me! But after getting a load of abuse from virtually everyone I told – I invited myself around the old’s.

Christmas morn I zipped around in the topless car, santa hat and beaming smile (wrapped up too – cos it was parky), and did the two hour thing at B’s, then pick up Gramps and eat at Momma’s, mucho drink & pressie dishing out, then wander back to the house where the lads were currently fumigating the living room. Seven blokes slobbing around with the Playstation. Luckily, B rescued me around six and we lounged around her place and I got my Xmas pressie. It’s the only thing I ever really ask for every year . . .

Lots of time spent with B and her lil ones. The inbetween times spent xboxing on Gun (s’ok – but we’re all really waiting for Lara C to put her shorts back on and give us some one-on-one time) and lamenting the fact that I had to drink. (Had to, I tellya . . . there is really no excuse).

And that was my xmas tail!

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