Thursday, January 26, 2006

No Homer’s Almost 40 Club

A couple of the lads came round last night to talk world domination, which also included our Canadian “No Homer’s Almost 40” member who joined us via telephone conference. We did a bit on the computer and then played various Xbox 360 games. Mostly we sat in awe at Paulie B’s dexterous thumbs and wondered where our youth and reflexes went…. I hate young people…

Today is Thursday as most of you would have already guessed, and my working week seems to entail no pretense of actual work at all. It is spent purely doing boring me stuff. I drink copious amounts of tea, to give me something to do; I read and re-read various blogs and website’s over and over again. I print off and do the daily SuDoku challenge (yesterdays one was classed as VERY HARD, which I finished) whilst sat on the toilet for 30 mins at a time. I talk to anyone I can on MSN, that forgets to set their status to “appear off-line”, fools! I wander around and talk to people as they work; I pick up various newspapers and glance over the same shitte I read on the internet. I tread water basically till my Alarm goes, and then I fuck off home and enjoy my life, till I have to start the same Ground Hog Day over and over again….

Still it's the weekend soon.

1 comment:

car01 said...

Isn't work boring? Why do they make us do so much of it?