Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Can’t think of anything.

I am dying to write something on this blog, but can’t think of a single thing to write about. I could regale you of happenings at home, but since I get into trouble writing about my family, I promised myself I wouldn’t write about them here.

I did end up buying the TV I wanted in the end, and the HD DVD. Overall, I am fairly impressed, especially for the money I spent. However, I am looking forward to upgrading again in 2 years time. The only thing missing now, is a Surround Sound System and an Xbox 360, but all in due course. There is only so much you can put on a credit card before it breaks.

I hope to do a bit more DIY this year, the only trouble is I’m shit at it. Every project I attempted; something always goes wrong, which is so frustrating.

That’s it, a post about nothing.

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