Monday, February 19, 2007

Mickey Mouse Police

As the Isle of Man slowly degrades into a scum bag shit hole (it's slow but it's happening) it's good to see that our very well paid, much better paid than the UK, police officers are upping their game to compensate.

Police seek information regarding damage to cars

"Information is being sought by police after a spate of vandalism in Douglas in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Three youths were seen vandalising cars along Westmoreland Road and Brighton Terrace at around 2am.

The youths are described as being in their late teens or early twenties.

PC Gary Smith from the Douglas Neighbourhood Policing Team said those persons responsible should consider how they would feel if someone damaged their property..."

First things first, they were seen vandalising cars, you can guess then that the Police were called. You can imagine the conversation at Police HQ, "fuck that for a laugh, we'll wait till Monday and and put a piece on the Manx Radio website asking them to think about their actions". Well done the boys in blue, that'll show the little scrotes. Have another fucking pay rise.

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