Thursday, October 26, 2006

Is There A God - Part II

I've spent many months not researching this. I literally haven't spoken to dozens of people about their beliefs/non-beliefs and assimilated thousands of pages of statistics not on this very subject. I didn't visit the National Library and didn't spend many a dark night reading through ancient Tomes from Babylon and the Red Sea.

And I've finally reached my conclusion:


I base my conclusion on the Triumvirate of Indisputable Facts that I have entitled "Scientific Likelihood", "The Programmer" and "No point"

Today, I shall cover the first Truth, although all are equally important.

I spent a little time studying Quantum Physics a few years back. Now, my memory of it is a bit hazy, but apparently, there are some physicists who say the statistical likelihood of sub-atomic particles (Hadrons, Quarks, Photon Torpedoes etc) organising themselves into a form of matter capable of supporting a Universe of Galaxies, Stars and Planets is sooooooooooo small, it CAN'T have happened by chance. Only a MIGHTY BEING could have orchestrated this.

Seriously, following the big bang, the Dead-Small-Bits(tm) should have dispersed equally. The coincidentally perfect balance between sub-atomic attraction, electric repulsion and gravity is beyond belief. Literally.

The chances of the Universe forming like it did is like getting a bucketful of sand, throwing it into the air and watching it land in a perfect 3D representation of my dick and balls. Balanced on the head of a needle. Despite a howling gale. And there being no bucket. Or sand. This is way more likely to happen.

And that kind of thorough scientific research is good enough for me.

Science proves there is a God. Ironic? You be the judge.

1 comment:

No one Really said...

So if there is a God, then explain the dinosaurs????

Didn't God make the planet and created Adam & Eve? What about the fucking dinosaurs? Who made them? Where do they fit in to the Bible???

Conclusion: God, My Arse!!!

Or a scientific response to your explanation

The origin of life on this planet is hard to study, because it (probably) only happened once, 4 billion years ago and under very different conditions from those with which we are familiar. We may never know how it happened. Unlike the ordinary evolutionary events that followed, it must have been a genuinely very improbable - in the sense of unpredictable - event: too improbable, perhaps, for chemists to reproduce it in the laboratory or even devise a plausible theory for what happened.

Suppose life's origin on a planet took place through a hugely improbable stroke of luck, so improbable that it happens on only one in a billion planets. The National Science Foundation would laugh at any chemist whose proposed research had only a one in a hundred chance of succeeding, let alone one in a billion. Yet, given that there are at least a billion billion planets in the universe, even such absurdly low odds as these will yield life on a billion planets.

And - this is where the famous anthropic principle comes in - Earth has to be one of them, because here we are.